Milka: The Digital Egg Hunt

Easter, with the Christmas holiday, is the best time of year to eat chocolate. As a child, my friends and I would organise egg hunts in our gardens and spend the afternoon trying to find the precious chocolate, and this is one of the best memories I can associate with chocolate.

In 2013, the Buzzman agency, who works on Milka’s communication, extended the concept of an egg hunt, combining advertising and online gaming. The campaign was a frank success and was renewed this year.

Milka’s advergaming (neologism coming from advertising and gaming) campaign, ‘Oeufs cachés‘ (meaning Hidden Eggs), offered its French consumers the chance to participate in a digital hunt updated in real time, with a garden that was the size of France.

To participate, it was very simple, you only had to log on the website, and from the moment you entered the hunt, you could see how many participants you were playing against, and had 5 minutes to scratch the herb and try to find as many eggs as possible.

This hunt was not for entertainment purposes only;, if you found an egg, you would get a price: either vouchers, or gifts such as phones, iPads, etc.

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The game is free, fun, entertaining, easy to play even for non-gamers: everyone has a chance to win, and enjoy a nice time.

The constraint is that you can only play for 5 minutes a day. When scratching the eggs, you can find bonuses that give you extra time to play the game.

How is this advergame positive for Milka?

Advergaming enables the brand, namely Milka, to build a relationship with the customer in a fun, entertaining way, without being too intrusive. The game format allows the consumer to interact with the brand in a positive way, and a memorable one: even if the game lasts only 5 minutes in general, having 5 minutes of time in a consumer’s life only dedicated to your brand is a challenge nowadays, when people are permanently solicited by ads.

In Milka’s ‘Oeufs cachés’, all the players do the hunt simultaneously on the same garden at any given time, which involves them in the game, and reinforces their positive image of the brand. Indeed, the competition and the rewards, apart from improving the consumers’ intention of sales towards Milka; makes the consumer feel the shiver of playing a game with real stakes.

This kind of advertising proves to be a very good way to involve the consumer in the brand, something in which Milka is becoming an expert.

Nabila Mangrolia


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